Teaching Kids About Money

Even if your children are small - 3 to 6 years old - you can start teaching them about money. Bring your children, when you go shopping. Explain why you buy what you do. Show them to get the most for their money to buy the best quality at affordable prices.
In the case of children under school age - from 4 to 5 years to start - to teach them how to count money. Teaching the importance of giving and taking the appropriate change. As you grow your children, they may have to buy money and other things have been exposed. The time has come to reflect an allowance.
It is important to consult with your kids and let them help you determine their pocket money with you. This will help teach the basics of budgeting. An important factor in the provision of an allowance should be consistent. Finally, some adults would like to have an irregular income.
A regular allowance account attempts to children for their parents for money or gifts to manipulate. In addition, tend children, the benefit will be more awareness of the value of money. Discuss the advantages of a savings account. Help your children plan financial targets, perhaps a bicycle, a stereo, a vacation or a college.
Finally, the whole family include in the budgeting process of the budget. This helps the children learn budgeting, and give them a clear picture of the financial situation of their family.
Take the example of someone we shall call David. He met with a graphical tool to impress upon their children the value of money and the wisdom of budgeting and saving. His income was undermined by high energy bills, because his children left permanently disabled light illuminated. His children were quite young, but his simple method could be adapted for older children and young people themselves.
David gathered his children around the kitchen table one evening. On the table, piles of many coins. Each cell has been selected to various household expenses - mortgage, food, heating, electricity, clothing, entertainment, etc. He stated that the batteries were coin from the money he brought with him concerning his work and the batteries where the money every month went.
"Every pay the bills that we have," he said. "If any of the accounts of more than we expected, we have to get some money from another area to pay for." The children nodded, his eyes keep on the coins. She understood his reasoning.
"Most of the things we like to do is go out and have fun, right?" He asked. "Yes," replied his son. "We want to buy ice cream!" "And we love to go to the movies," said his daughter.
"Right," agreed David. "But this month our electric bill is higher than expected, because we leave the lights in the house if we do not need." Your children could see what would happen. "So David continued," we must take the money elsewhere to pay the electricity bill. The only place where we extra money in our entertainment stack. "
David pulled one at a time, the battery of entertainment to the pile, there was no entertainment in the battery is present. "Well," said David. may "Our budget for this month is balanced. Maybe next month we will have enough money to go out and have fun, 'he said hopefully. Your kids can say it was on their side and was just sad, as they were.
After the family reunion was over, the children immediately ran around the house, turn off the light. Electricity bill was Jean and her children have learned an important lesson.


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