If you are a consumer in the world in one of the richest countries, there is a good chance that you have accumulated a debt of credit. Buying on credit can be a practice if it is handled with care. But it also has a financial headache, especially if you are behind on your payments.
Take a few minutes to examine the short article entitled "10 signs of the warnings." If you find that you are responsible for advice on financial problems, not fear. There are steps you can ease your financial burden.
You can do it yourself?
You can solve your debt by managing your finances better. Whether you are in debt and still make monthly payments on all your commitments, you should ask for further assistance.
Talk to your creditors
Many creditors are more than willing to help you restructure your payments on debt, because it is in their interest to get back on its feet financially. Make sure you talk to your local banker. Bankers realize that even people with good credit loans can be a problem. Your bank can offer a range of solutions at a difficult time to help.
Please visit
You can also contact a financial counseling for help. Some unions, universities, county extension agents, military, credit and housing authorities such programs and invite you little or nothing for their assistance.
If you are in the United States, a visit can live with a counselor at nonprofit Consumer Credit Counseling Service can be useful. Trained advisers will seek a payment plan acceptable to you and your creditors and help you adjust to formulate a realistic budget.
For more information on how to contact an office near you, see below. Consulting services in several other countries are also listed.
What is bankruptcy?
If you have debt, you may think that bankruptcy is a simple solution. But it really is not. According to the American Bankers Association (ABA), bankruptcy can stay on your credit record for up to 10 years. If you go bankrupt, you will find it difficult to access any type of credit or get credit - whether for a house, car or other purchases.
In addition, bankruptcy does not automatically erase all debt. There are obligations, you can still responsible for payment. So, after the ABA, it is in your best interest to resolve your debt problems in a way other than declaring bankruptcy.
Where to find help
Many nonprofit organizations offer financial advice or economical.
Australia: Australia different: local welfare and church agencies such as Life Line offers budgeting advice and support. Check your telephone directory for an agency in your area.
Canada: Canada: Write or call the Credit Counselling Service, 27 Carlton Street, Suite 301, Toronto, Ontario M5B 1L2, (416) 593-7434.
Philippines and South Africa, the Philippines and see in South Africa: Contact your local government or a bank, whether it's financial advisory services to the public.
Britain and New Zealand United Kingdom and New Zealand: The Citizens Advice Bureau provides advice and financial resources. Contact information for the directory or contact your local phone book for the number of offices in your area.
United States: United States Consumer Credit Counseling Service offers financial advice and credit. Check your telephone directory or contact the National Endowment for Consumer Credit, Inc., 8611 2nd Ave., Suite 100, Silver Spring, MD 20910 1-800-388-2227 or (301) 589-5600.
Malaysia: "Agensi Kaunseling Dan Pengurusan Kredit (AKPK)" provides financial education, financial counseling and debt management.
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